Stocktaking since 2002
Since the founding of the company in 2002, we at OMS have been focusing on providing high quality services at good prices, thus offering the customer an ideal and unparalleled experience. For us, one thing is more important than profits and internal goals: That all our efforts ultimately benefit the customer. Our reliable staff and digital business processes allow us to successfully implement customised audit and stocktaking projects. With OMS, the customer is not just choosing a service, but a strong and long-term partner. Contact us nowVerantwortung.
Wir wollen jeden Tag mehr bewegen. Wir tun, was wir können, wo wir sind, mit dem was wir haben. Für die Gesellschaft, zukünftige Generationen und für unseren Planeten. Wir arbeiten vorausschauend und opfern nachhaltige Entscheidungen nicht zugunsten kurzfristiger Ergebnisse.
We treat every person with dignity.
We give more than we take and at the same time we are enthusiastic about performance. Everything we touch, we want to leave better than we found it.
We are never finished with learning. We can always get better. We deliberately seek different perspectives and constantly put our views to the test. In doing so, we always put the achievement of our vision above personal interests.
Durch die richtigen Ergebnisse an richtiger Stelle zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gewinnen wir jeden Tag mehr Vertrauen und Respekt. Wir lernen durch Rückschläge dazu und räumen Hindernisse aus dem Weg.