State-of-the-art stocktaking technology

OMS Inventories has the most modern stocktaking technology designed for counting of physical stock. OMS Inventories’ comprehensive equipment includes company-owned hardware (such as laptops, MDE devices and WLAN routers), customized stocktaking software and all necessary tools (e.g. ladders, climbing aids, counting sheets, etc.).

Directly via WLAN to the Cloud

To optimize the stocktaking process and save time and costs, OMS Inventories today makes use of WLAN and cloud technology. This network technology enables all data to be transferred between the individual employees’ MDE devices and the server wirelessly. This eliminates a lot of walking, reduces downtime and allows the stock manager to monitor the progress of the stocktake in real time.

The advantages of WLAN technology

Optimised workflows during inventory | OMS Inventuren GmbH

Optimization of workflows during the stocktake

Demand-driven deployment of inventory staff | OMS Inventuren GmbH

Deployment of staff according to demand

Reduction of waiting times | OMS Inventuren GmbH

Reduction of waiting times and walking distances

Inventory progress in real time | OMS Inventuren GmbH

Status of stocktake progress in real time

Cost reduction with OMS Inventuren GmbH

Cost reduction through time saving

Technical stocktaking process

Inventory technology facilitates inventory management | OMS Inventuren GmbH

The management of the stocktake is carried out from the control center. Here, thanks to OMS‘ stocktaking technology, the progress can be seen live at any time. The OMS software can be controlled via a laptop or mobile device and the work efficiently distributed to the stocktaking staff. Responsible employees, such as team leaders (TL) and area managers (BL), ensure that the process runs smoothly and are available as contact persons for the customer. The combination of experienced employees and innovative stocktaking technology makes a professional high standard service possible.